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Artigos Musicoterapia

Music Therapy In Early Intervention-A Family Perspective


Music Therapy (MT) in Early Intervention currently works with children with disabilities or at risk of developmental delays in a family-centered model. Within a family centered approach the way parents receive and understand all the intervention is crucial, but has not been properly considered. This paper aims to identify the role and value of MT in the perspective and representations of parents that attended therapy sessions with their children in the context of an Early Intervention Program. Grounded Theory methodology is used to analyze data collected through interviews with 7 mothers and fathers of children with severe disabilities. Results show the significant value families set on Music Therapy specific interventions to facilitate motor areas, social and interpersonal relationships and engagement with music and sounds. Three large categories show that families are able to understand MT in Early Intervention context: what is Music Therapy, what are its benefits, and the effects it has on early development. Music Therapy can be applied in the practice of Early Intervention teams and is compatible with a family-centered programs. It has the capacity to provide an effective contribution to improve nonverbal communication in primary relationships, particularly in more severe disorders when communication is unconventional. This work also allows to broaden current concepts on the clinical practice of MT in Early Intervention, moving from a traditional clinical approach to a family-centered one.

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Resumo – Nesta entrevista propõe-se refletir sobre o lugar que o movimento associativo ocupa atualmente e sobre sua participação no crescimento da Musicoterapia em Portugal. São expostos os antecedentes históricos e aspectos relevantes do associativismo no processo de profissionalização da Musicoterapia, com o intuito de identificar e reconhecer os esforços coletivos e individuais nesse percurso. Foi realizada uma entrevista com a atual Presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Musicoterapia-APMT, atribuindo-lhe a função de informante-chave. Ana Esperança é licenciada em Educação Infantil, com especialização em Educação Especial e Mestre em Musicoterapia. Desde 2015 é presidente da Associação Portuguesa de Musicoterapia (APMT), reeleita em 2017 e 2019, além de Coordenadora da equipa terapêutica “Em Laços” e musicoterapeuta certificada desde 2019. Nesta entrevista destaca-se o trabalho associativo para o desenvolvimento da musicoterapia em Portugal e as propostas para os desafios futuros.
Palavras-chave: Musicoterapia, Associativismo, Profissionalização em Musicoterapia.


The voice is the central resource of this project that brings together women from the Évora’s Cerebral Palsy Association (APCE), four mothers of young people with disabilities and two young people over 18 years old who are clients of the association. Oficina de Música para Mulheres (Music Workshop for Women) is a project developed within the Orquestra Sem Fronteiras' participatory art program, Terra a Terra,by a violinist/music teacher, in coordination with the Music Therapist at the APCE, working with 6 participants of the Center for Rehabilitation and Social Integration. Understanding that music and the exploration of vocal projection have a transforming power in people's lives, the project aimed to bring active listening, discussion and analysis of feminist empowerment theme songs and the basic teaching of music for the specific purpose of singing. Eight weekly sessions were held between May and July 2021.

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