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Artigos Musicoterapia
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RESUMEN: Estudio piloto que presenta la intervención de musicoterapia en Portugal durante el primer periodo de confinamiento debido al virus COVID-19. Objetivo: Conocer las prácticas de los musicoterapeutas durante este período en Portugal, comprender cuál fue el tipo de actuación sus medios, propósitos y cuáles las dificultades sentidas durante el aislamiento por la declaración de pandemia. Método: Fue realizada una muestra de datos de todo el universo de musicoterapeutas en ejercicio de Portugal. Participaron 43 musicoterapeutas. Datos analizados a través del software IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0. Resultados: La mayoría de los musicoterapeutas realizó contactos con sus clientes a través de los programas Zoom y WhatsApp, llamadas telefónicas y email. Las dificultades se encontraron en la falta de sincronización en las videollamadas. Encontramos relaciones relevantes entre los lugares de ejercicio profesional entidades públicas, privadas o instituciones concertadas, en las modalidades individual o grupal. Palabras clave: musicoterapia; COVID-19; telesalud

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The voice is the central resource of this project that brings together women from the Évora’s Cerebral Palsy Association (APCE), four mothers of young people with disabilities and two young people over 18 years old who are clients of the association. Oficina de Música para Mulheres (Music Workshop for Women) is a project developed within the Orquestra Sem Fronteiras' participatory art program, Terra a Terra,by a violinist/music teacher, in coordination with the Music Therapist at the APCE, working with 6 participants of the Center for Rehabilitation and Social Integration. Understanding that music and the exploration of vocal projection have a transforming power in people's lives, the project aimed to bring active listening, discussion and analysis of feminist empowerment theme songs and the basic teaching of music for the specific purpose of singing. Eight weekly sessions were held between May and July 2021. With the general objective of finding us through music, we are currently witnessing a type of discourse that places us in a double discrimination: that of being a woman and that of being a woman with a disability. We deepen the place of women from the poetry of song lyrics, their history and representation in the daily lives of the participants, deconstructing the status quo of how we should be and how we were taught or how society sees us. At the end, there was a public presentation of the final product, a group performance in keeping with the theme and proposal of the Workshop. We aspire to result in a change in this specific collective with regard to emotional expression, self-image and self-confidence. Finally, we applied the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) scale (Galinha & Pais-Ribeiro, 2005) to observe changes in affects in order to support the methodology and replicate the format used in other spaces. keywords: music, feminist empowerment, women with disabilities, mothers of women with disabilities.


Esta investigación sobre la Musicoterapia en Atención Temprana, de naturaleza cualitativa, utilizó la metodologia constructivista Grounded Theory. Tiene como objetivo principal el de conocer cual es el lugar de la Musicoterapia en Atención Temprana, desde la visión de las familias y del equipo. Fueron realizados tres estudios: 1.Praxis de la Musicoterapia en atención temprana. 2. Percepciones de los padres. 3. Perspectiva de los técnicos. Resulta de estos estudios que la Musicoterapia tiene por su caracter relacional, lúdico y no verbal, un lugar de relevancia en el actual concepto de equipo de atención temprana, responde a lo pretendido desde sus fundamentos y objetivos. Es considerada por los padres de los niños como una más valia sobretodo en la comunicacion con sus hijos, y por los otros técnicos porque consigue trabajar el desenvolvimiento emocional en la diada desde su abordage específico musical. Palabras llaves: Musicoterapia, Atención Temprana, Discapacidad


The quality of refugee children’s social life in the host country is essential to their health and development. Both practice and research indicate the relevance of music therapy in this respect, but our understanding of how music therapy can contribute to refugee children’s social wellbeing is still limited. This article explores how participation in music therapy in a public primary school can nurture refugee children’s readiness to collaborate with peers.


The influence of music therapy (MT) as a support intervention to reduce stress and improve wellbeing in Clinical Staff (CS) working with COVID-19 patients was evaluated. Participants were enrolled as a result of spontaneous agreement (n = 34) and were given remote receptive MT intervention over a 5-week period. Their levels of tiredness, sadness, fear and worry were measured with MTC-Q1 before and after MT intervention. An immediate significant variation in the CS emotional status was observed. The results seem to confirm that in an emergency situation, it is possible to put in place a remote MT support intervention for CS exposed to highly stressful situations.

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